About this course
This course is closed for entry in September 2023 and September 2024
Learn to hear music in a new way, and discover how sound and vibration can affect us and the world around. This Acoustics with Music degree combines musical composition and critical analysis with acoustical engineering. Whether you sing opera, play guitar solos or make electronic dance music, we'll help you develop.
This degree provides a broad-based education in sound, hearing and technology as well as musical engineering, theory and performance. The modular nature of the course means you'll choose how you balance Acoustical Engineering and Music modules.
You'll use our extensive Music facilities, including:
- dedicated rehearsal rooms
- ensemble practice spaces
- electronic studios
- networked multimedia workstations
You'll study Acoustics at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, a leading centre for Acoustical Engineering. You'll use our world-class acoustic and engineering facilities, which include:
- anechoic and reverberation chambers
- an aeroacoustic wind tunnel
- a virtual acoustics laboratory
- a professional manufacturing centre
You'll also study hearing. You'll develop your understanding of how hearing works, for example the anatomy and physiology of the ear.
You'll study how we perceive sound; how the brain interprets information from the ears, including how hearing impairment affects the perception of sound and music. We need to understand the acoustics of how sound is produced by instruments and how the hearing system picks up and interprets sound information, to fully understand music perception. This degree will develop your understanding of both aspects of music perception.
In your final year you can choose to study modules in either acoustics, music or hearing. This will help you to develop specialisms for your career or further study.
Each year you can take tuition to improve your performance as a soloist or accompanist, and enhance your public performing experience.
At our Turner Sims concert hall, you can watch professional musicians perform. We support the most extensive series of professional concerts and workshops of any UK university.
You can also take a Year in Employment to enhance your employability and give you vital experience.
We regularly review our courses to ensure and improve quality. This course may be revised as a result of this. Any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Find out why, when, and how we might make changes.
Our courses are regulated in England by the Office for Students (OfS).
Learn more about these subject areas
Course locations
This course is based at Highfield and Boldrewood.
Awarding body
This qualification is awarded by the University of Southampton.
Download the Course Description Document
The Course Description Document details your course overview, your course structure and how your course is taught and assessed.
Entry requirements
For Academic year
Scottish Qualification
Offers will be based on exams being taken at the end of S6. Subjects taken and qualifications achieved in S5 will be reviewed. Careful consideration will be given to an individual’s academic achievement, taking in to account the context and circumstances of their pre-university education.
Please see the University of Southampton’s Curriculum for Excellence Scotland Statement (PDF) for further information. Applicants are advised to contact their Faculty Admissions Office for more information.
Other requirements
You might meet our criteria in other ways if you do not have the qualifications we need. Find out more about:
- our Access to Southampton scheme for students living permanently in the UK (including residential summer school, application support and scholarship)
- skills you might have gained through work or other life experiences (otherwise known as recognition of prior learning)
Find out more about our Admissions Policy.
Got a question?
Please contact our enquiries team if you're not sure that you have the right experience or qualifications to get onto this course.
Email: enquiries@southampton.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)23 8059 5000
Course structure
Compulsory modules will introduce acoustics, hearing and audio signal processing in the first 2 years. These provide a solid preparation for the final part of the degree, which includes an individual project.
You'll select from a range of music-related modules throughout the course. You can choose modules from the Acoustical Engineering, Audiology and Music programmes.
Year 1 overview
Compulsory modules will provide a background in acoustical engineering. You'll study the physics and mathematics of sound and acoustics. You'll also study the basic science of hearing and sound perception.
Music modules look at:
- performance
- composition
- history
- critical analysis
You'll choose from optional modules, including:
- Introduction to Music Technology
- Exploring Music I
- Electrical and Electronic Systems
- Fundamentals of Analysis
- Counterpoint and Harmony
- First Year Performance Tuition
From jazz theory to global hip-hop, you can explore the music of your choice. You can also take individual or group tuition, to help develop your performance skills.
Year 2 overview
You'll study further acoustics, sound and mathematics, hearing science and technology, and audio engineering technology.
Option modules include:
- System Design and Computing
- Jazz Theory
- Studio Techniques
- Conducting
- Arranging
- Music Therapy Fundamentals
Year 3 overview
You can focus on areas that interest you in acoustics, music and hearing, through a wide selection of option modules. There are no compulsory modules this year, but you'll complete either a Research Project in Music or an Individual Project.
You'll choose from optional modules, including:
- Musical Instrument Acoustics
- Architectural and Building Acoustics
- Human Responses to Sound and Vibration
- Electroacoustics
- Commercial Composition
- Studio Techniques
- Orchestration
- Ensemble Performance
- Fundamentals of Auditory Implants
- Rehabilitation of Auditory Disorders
Want more detail? See all the modules in the course.
The modules outlined provide examples of what you can expect to learn on this degree course based on recent academic teaching. As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our course to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. The precise modules available to you in future years may vary depending on staff availability and research interests, new topics of study, timetabling and student demand. Find out why, when and how we might make changes.
Year 1 modules
You must study the following modules in year 1:
Acoustics 1
As an Acoustical Engineer you will need to be able to: 1. Understand the physics of sound and vibration 2. Understand the effects sound and vibration have on people 3. Design systems that control sound and/or vibration 4. Design systems that use sound...
Design and Computing
This course develops your skills in design and computing with practical hands-on engineering to enable you to design, build and test artefacts relevant to your discipline. From the design component of the module you will be introduced to modern comput...
Introduction to Hearing Science and Technology
This module provides you with a deep understanding of the fundamental science and technology underlying clinical hearing assessment and rehabilitation. It will include a foundation in the epidemiology of hearing loss, the biology of the hearing system, th...
Introduction to Music Technology
This module discusses the fundamentals of Music technology– analogue and digital audio, MIDI, system components (sequencers, digital audio workstations, synthesisers, samplers, processors, etc); important examples of specific electronic music and audio te...
Mathematics for Engineering and the Environment
This course lays the mathematical foundation for all engineering degrees. Its structure allows students with different levels of previous knowledge to work at their own pace. Pre-requisite for MATH2048 One of the pre-requisites for MATH3081 and MATH...
You must also choose from the following modules in year 1:
Composition Fundamentals
Composition Fundamentals will introduce you to a range of compositional techniques and principles. We will consider different ways of creating musical ideas and different approaches to structuring, varying and developing musical ideas. In particular, we w...
Exploring Music 2
This module aims to introduce you to some of the major musical forms, techniques and styles cultivated between 1750 and 1900. During the module you will develop your knowledge and understanding of ‘Classical’ and ‘Romantic’ musical styles and genres while...
First Year Ensemble Performance
Ensemble performance is a crucial skill in any musician's portfolio, in addition to being one of the most rewarding aspects of musical life. In this module you will prepare a 15-18 minute programme of instrumental, vocal or mixed ensemble music of your...
Global Transformations in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Music
This module explores the history of key twentieth and twenty-first musical styles and practices including jazz, popular and art musics. Its scope is global, with the aim of "provincialising" European and North American experiences. In addition the module ...
Performance in Practice B
This module allows you to develop your music performance skills to a new level. A combination of individual tuition in your chosen performance specialism* (12 hours of lessons) and a variety of workshop and public performance opportunities provide you ...
Year 2 modules
You must study the following modules in year 2:
Acoustics II
This module builds on the knowledge and understanding of sound fields and their generation and propagation that was built up in ISVR1032 Acoustics I. Those fundamental concepts are explored in greater depth to allow them to be applied to a wide variety of...
Audio and Signal Processing
Acoustical engineers are required to demonstrate knowledge of the basic methods for acquisition, analysis, processing and reproduction of audio data and audio material. They must be familiar with the theoretical fundamentals of these techniques and be cap...
Mathematics for Engineering and the Environment Part II
The module aims to teach mathematical methods relevant for engineering. The first part is about differential equations and how solve them, from ordinary differential equations to partial differential equations. The second part is about either vector calcu...
Music and Sound Production 1
This module allows you to explore basic multi-track recording and production techniques. The module is based in the University’s recording studios and music computing facilities where you will explore a range of techniques and equipment from both theoreti...
Systems Design and Computing
This module follows on from FEEG1201 Introduction to Engineering Design where students are introduced to design processes supported by computing methods. In FEEG2001 students address the design of a system consisting of a number of interacting sub-systems...
You must also choose from the following modules in year 2:
Composition Workshop
This module explores historical and contemporary techniques and approaches to composition to give you a range of ways of thinking about creating, varying, transforming and organising musical materials. We will look at examples of compositional ingenuity i...
This module covers basic gestures used in duple, triple, compound, mixed and asymmetric metres; cueing of players and singers, and introducing expressive gestures for dynamics, phrasing etc.; basic approaches to rehearsal and score-marking technique.
Electronics and Control
Modern mechanical and acoustic systems contain numerous electronic and control components. For example, an electric vehicle may have speed, traction and active noise control systems. Practicing Mechanical and Acoustical Engineers therefore require a worki...
Engineering Management and Law
This module provides students with an introduction to management, accounting and law applicable to the operations of an engineering-based organisation. Emphasis is placed upon introducing managerial knowledge and skills required to apply effective managem...
Ensemble Performance 1
In this module students prepare one programme of instrumental, vocal, or mixed-ensemble music of their own choice, which is coached regularly by members of staff. There is an expectation that students, not staff, will independently organise an ensemble ...
Film Music Composition
Composing music for films has a rich, 100+ year history, and technological advances and inspired and innovative teams continue to evolve this dynamic sector of the creative industries. You will be introduced to this history and a series of contemporar...
Global Hip Hop
Hip-hop is one of the most ubiquitous, lucrative and popular musics in the world. Although it emerged in the South Bronx (New York City) in the 1970s, the history of hip-hop goes far beyond the USA and includes myriad transnational exchanges. Hip-hop has ...
How the Arts Work: A Practical Introduction to Cultural Economics
How are the arts getting back to work again after Covid-19? This is a critically important question for everyone who cares about them, artists and audiences alike. If you’re a student considering a career in the arts you’ll want to know where fresh opport...
Mechanics, Machines and Vibration
This module will help the students to understand the fundamental concepts in Kinematics and Dynamics of multi-body systems. It provides an understanding of the application of simple mathematical models to vibration problems in engineering using different...
Music Therapy 1: Fundamentals
This module explores how music therapy uses music very differently to the entertainment industry, introducing you to the unique use of music as a powerful clinical tool in health and education settings. Using clinical music therapy techniques, music can b...
Performance Tuition (Single Study)
This module allows you to continue to develop your music performance skills. A combination of individual tuition (10 1hr lessons) and a variety workshop and public performance opportunities provide you with the chance to study new repertoire, improve your...
Singing Together: Working with Voices
This module offers a practical introduction to organising, arranging for, rehearsing and performing with groups of singers of any level, from beginners to professionals. It is particularly aimed at students who are interested in community music or music e...
The American Musical
This module introduces you to the history of the American Musical and examines some of the issues connected with race, exoticism, gender and national identity as they were articulated in this multimedia entertainment between the late nineteenth century an...
The Operas Of Benjamin Britten
In this module you will explore the operas by Benjamin Britten, one of Britain’s most influential composers. Britten’s operas are among the few 20th-century works that hold a central position in today’s operatic canon. They are produced regularly by world...
Them Changes: Composing and arranging for jazz and jazz influenced genres.
This module gives students a chance to compose for jazz and jazz influenced ensembles. This module will embrace the rich tradition of jazz writing and its conventions as heard in the works of the great jazz composers, such as Duke Ellington, Herbie Han...
Year 3 modules
You must study the following modules in year 3:
Acoustical Engineering Design
This module comprises two design exercises, the first examining practical isolation requirements and the second involved with designing an acoustic exhaust or intake with a required performance. The investigation will be conducted in groups, no larger tha...
Human Responses to Sound and Vibration
This module provides an understanding of human responses to sound and vibration in the environment, and how such environmental stimuli are measured and assessed. People judge the success or failure of any efforts in noise and vibration control, so their r...
You must also choose from the following modules in year 3:
Active Control of Sound and Vibration
This aim of this module is to build an understanding of the physics of active control. Active control is a method for realising control through the use of secondary sources or actuation, whose outputs are designed to modify the response of a system. Techn...
Adventures in Musical Research
This module is based on a selection of recent and innovative scholarly writings on music, which challenge the reader to examine their assumptions about the nature of both scholarship and music as cultural practices. It is taught together with MUSI6022 Adv...
Architectural and Building Acoustics
The transmission of sound within buildings plays a vital role in architectural design that should be taken account of at an early stage. The module covers two main areas: (i) building acoustics, that is the effects of the materials and overall design of b...
Autopsying European Art Music
This module focuses on the detailed 'hands-on' analysis of works of European art music, guided by a selection of classic and contemporary theoretical and analytical writings that challenge assumptions about the inner structure of musical works. Extramusic...
Composition Workshop
This module explores important historical and contemporary techniques and approaches to composition to give you a range of ways of thinking about creating, varying, transforming and organising musical materials. We will look at examples of compositional i...
Electroacoustic transducers, such as microphones and loudspeakers, are commonplace in the fields of acoustics and audio and it is important that acoustical engineers have an understanding of the theory and mechanisms of electroacoustic transduction. This ...
Ensemble Performance 2
In this module students prepare one programme of instrumental, vocal, or mixed-ensemble music of their own choice, which is coached regularly by members of staff. There is an expectation that students, not staff, will independently organise an ensemble f...
Film Music Composition
Composing music for films has a rich, 100+ year history, and technological advances and inspired and innovative teams continue to evolve this dynamic sector of the creative industries. You will be introduced to this history and a series of contemporar...
Fundamentals of Auditory Implants
The aim of the module is to provide an overview of the core scientific and clinical aspects of auditory implantation. This module is primarily for those taking one of our audiology programmes or taking the module as 'stand-alone' as part of career develo...
Global Hip Hop
The module aims to develop your critical awareness of hip-hop as a social phenomenon and the ways that scholars have approached hip hop. The main focus of this course will be rap music, and we will also touch on other elements of hip-hop including DJing (...
Individual Project
The Individual Project is a learning experience that enables you to carry out research and bring together many of the concepts that you have learnt over the first two years of the course as well as the knowledge and skills learnt during part III. You w...
Interactive! Music in Video Games and Media
Interactive music and sound can be found in diverse forms, from video games and interactive installations through to data driven sonic art and works with audience/performer interventions. Such situations provide composers and sound artists with both exci...
Introduction to Machine Learning
Machine Learning advances are revolutionising our world. At a fundamental level, Machine Learning deals with the extraction of useful information from large and complex datasets. There are now many applications, from the automatic understanding and proces...
Music Therapy 2: Beneath the Surface
The aim of this module is to look beneath the surface - challenging assumptions made about music being therapeutic and exploring how to prove music is effective as therapy. Drawing on the knowledge gleaned in the second year module, the module aims to dev...
Performance Tuition (Single Study)
This module allows you to expand your music performance skills to a high standard. A combination of individual tuition (10 1hr lessons) and a variety workshop and public performance opportunities provide you with the chance to study new repertoire, improv...
Physiology and Psychology of Hearing
The sense of hearing is essential for human communication. In this module we investigate the extraordinary capabilities and limitations of the human sense of hearing. Starting with the outer, middle and inner ear, we will investigate the anatomical and ph...
Rehabilitation of Auditory Disorders
The purpose of this module is to provide you with knowledge and understanding of the core concepts related to Adult Auditory Rehabilitation including principles of health psychology and signal processing as well as technical and psychosocial aspects of th...
Research Project
This module is based on a topic chosen by the student, completed under the supervision of a member of staff and culminating in a detailed dissertation. The topic may be musical (historical, analytical, critical) or it may relate music to another art or di...
Signal Processing
Signals such as audio, music, sonar, image and video convey information about physical quantities that vary over time and space. Signals can, for example, describe acoustic vibrations or radio waves, and thus play an important role throughout engineering....
The American Musical
This module introduces you to the history of the American Musical and examines some of the issues connected with race, exoticism, gender and national identity as they were articulated in this multimedia entertainment between the late nineteenth century an...
The Operas Of Benjamin Britten
In this module you will explore the operas by Benjamin Britten, one of Britain’s most influential composers. Britten’s operas are among the few 20th-century works that hold a central position in today’s operatic canon. They are produced regularly by world...
Learning and assessment
The learning activities for this course include the following:
- lectures
- classes and tutorials
- coursework
- individual and group projects
- independent learning (studying on your own)
Course time
How you'll spend your course time:
Year 1
Study time
Your scheduled learning, teaching and independent study for year 1:
How we'll assess you
- assessed performances
- compositions
- composition portfolios
- coursework, laboratory reports and essays
- creative projects
- essays
- individual and group projects
- written and practical exams
Your assessment breakdown
Year 1:
Year 2
Study time
Your scheduled learning, teaching and independent study for year 2:
How we'll assess you
- assessed performances
- compositions
- composition portfolios
- coursework, laboratory reports and essays
- creative projects
- essays
- individual and group projects
- written and practical exams
Your assessment breakdown
Year 2:
Academic support
You’ll be supported by a personal academic tutor and have access to a senior tutor.
Course leader
Ying Ye is the course leader.
You'll graduate with the skills to work in the acoustics, music and audio technology industries. You could choose to develop your musical performance abilities, enhanced by your knowledge of acoustics.
This degree also provides a foundation for further study at Masters or PhD level.
Typical roles that you will be qualified for include:
- acoustician
- studio producer or engineer
- performer
- music therapist
- composer
- sound engineer
- live sound engineer
- recording engineer
- acoustics and audio researcher
- acoustics consultant
Our recent graduates work for leading companies such as:
- Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design
- GP Acoustics
- Hoare Lea Acoustics
- Hunter Acoustics
- RBA Acoustics
- SLR Consulting
- Wolfson Microelectronics Plc
The transferable skills you gain will also be vital in a range of other sectors.
We have helped some of our graduates create innovative start-up companies through the SET-squared partnership.
Careers services at Southampton
We are a top 20 UK university for employability (QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022). Our Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise team will support you. This support includes:
- work experience schemes
- CV and interview skills and workshops
- networking events
- careers fairs attended by top employers
- a wealth of volunteering opportunities
- study abroad and summer school opportunities
We have a vibrant entrepreneurship culture and our dedicated start-up supporter, Futureworlds, is open to every student.
Fees, costs and funding
Tuition fees
Fees for a year's study:
- UK students pay £9,250.
- EU and international students pay £25,000.
What your fees pay for
Your tuition fees pay for the full cost of tuition and all examinations.
Find out how to:
Accommodation and living costs, such as travel and food, are not included in your tuition fees. Explore:
Bursaries, scholarships and other funding
If you're a UK or EU student and your household income is under £25,000 a year, you may be able to get a University of Southampton bursary to help with your living costs. Find out about bursaries and other funding we offer at Southampton.
If you're a care leaver or estranged from your parents, you may be able to get a specific bursary.
Get in touch for advice about student money matters.
Scholarships and grants
You may be able to get a scholarship or grant to help fund your studies.
We award scholarships and grants for travel, academic excellence, or to students from under-represented backgrounds.
Support during your course
The Student Services Centre offers support and advice on money to students. You may be able to access our Student Support fund and other sources of financial support during your course.
Funding for EU and international students
Find out about funding you could get as an international student.
How to apply
When you apply use:
- UCAS course code: HW73
- UCAS institution code: S27
What happens after you apply?
This course will be open for entry in September 2023, however we are not accepting applications starting in September 2022.
We'll invite shortlisted applicants to an open day, which will include an interview. If you're shortlisted, we'll email you all the information you'll need to prepare.
Equality and diversity
We treat and select everyone in line with our Equality and Diversity Statement.
Got a question?
Please contact our enquiries team if you're not sure that you have the right experience or qualifications to get onto this course.
Email: enquiries@southampton.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)23 8059 5000
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- Understanding the structure and engagement of personal networks that support older people with complex care needs in marginalised communities and their ability to adapt to increasingly ‘digitalised’ health and social care
- Unpicking the Anthropocene in the Hawaiian Archipelago
- Unraveling oceanic multi-element cycles using single cell ionomics
- Unravelling southwest Indian Ocean biological productivity and physics: a machine learning approach
- Using acoustics to monitor how small cracks develop into bursts in pipelines
- Using machine learning to improve predictions of ocean carbon storage by marine life
- Vulnerability of low-lying coastal transportation networks to natural hazards
- Wideband fibre optical parametric amplifiers for Space Division Multiplexing technology
- Will it stick? Exploring the role of turbulence and biological glues on ocean carbon storage
- X-ray imaging and property characterisation of porous materials
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Tuition fees and funding
Postgraduate scholarships for UK students
- Postgraduate Taught Diversity Scholarship (Environmental and Life Sciences)
- Southampton Business School Postgraduate UK Scholarship
- Southampton Genomics Talent Scholarship
- Southampton History Patricia Mather and Helen Patterson Scholarship
- Southampton MA Holocaust scholarships
- Southampton Philosophy David Humphris-Norman Scholarship
- Southampton Physics and Astronomy Achievement Scholarship
- GREAT Scholarships 2024 – Greece
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- Competitive scholarships for international undergraduates
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- Merit scholarships for international undergraduates
Partnership scholarships for international students
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- Becas Chile Scholarship
- Chevening Scholarships
- China Scholarship Council Scholarships
- COLFUTURO Scholarships
- Commonwealth Distance Learning Scholarships
- Commonwealth Master's Scholarships
- Commonwealth PhD Scholarships
- Commonwealth PhD Scholarships for high income countries
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- Commonwealth Split-Site Scholarships
- FIDERH Scholarships
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- FUNED Scholarships
- Great Scholarships 2024 – India
- Great Scholarships 2024 – Bangladesh
- Great Scholarships 2024 – Mexico
- Great Scholarships 2024 – Nigeria
- Marshall Scholarship
- Saïd Foundation Scholarships
- British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM
- Xiamen University PhD Scholarships
- GREAT scholarships for justice and law 2024 – Indonesia
- Scholarship terms and conditions
- Southampton Canadian Prestige Scholarship for Law
- Southampton Presidential International Scholarship
Postgraduate scholarships for UK students
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- Antibody and Vaccine Group
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- Autism Community Research Network @ Southampton (ACoRNS)
- Bioarchaeology and Osteoarchaeology at Southampton (BOS)
- Bladder and Bowel Management
- Cell and Developmental Biology
- Centre for Defence and Security Research
- Centre for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- Centre for Digital Finance
- Centre for Eastern European and Eurasian Studies (CEEES)
- Centre for Empirical Research in Finance and Banking (CERFIB)
- Centre for Geometry, Topology, and Applications
- Centre for Global Englishes
- Centre for Global Health and Policy (GHaP)
- Centre for Health Technologies
- Centre for Healthcare Analytics
- Centre for Human Development, Stem Cells and Regeneration
- Centre for Imperial and Postcolonial Studies
- Centre for Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CISEI)
- Centre for International Film Research (CIFR)
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- Centre for Justice Studies
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- Centre for Maritime Archaeology
- Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Culture (CMRC)
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- Centre for Music Education and Social Justice
- Centre for Political Ethnography (CPE)
- Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance
- Centre for Research on Work and Organisations
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- EPSRC and MOD Centre for Doctoral Training in Complex Integrated Systems for Defence and Security
- Economic Theory and Experimental Economics
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- Electrical Power Engineering
- Environmental Hydraulics
- Gas Photonics in Hollow Core Fibres
- Geochemistry
- Global Health (Demography)
- Global Health Community of Practice
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- High Power Fibre Lasers
- Hollow Core Fibre
- Human Genetics and Genomic Medicine
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- Integrated Photonic Devices
- Integrative Molecular Phenotyping Centre
- Interdisciplinary Musculoskeletal Health
- International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research (ICER)
- Language Assessment and Testing Unit (LATU)
- Laser-Direct-Write (LDW) Technologies for Biomedical Applications
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- National Biofilms Innovation Centre (NBIC)
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- Silica Fibre Fabrication
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- Southampton Centre for Nineteenth-Century Research
- Southampton Ethics Centre
- Southampton Health Technology Assessments Centre (SHTAC)
- Southampton High Energy Physics group
- Southampton Imaging
- Southampton Theory Astrophysics and Gravity (STAG) Research Centre
- Stefan Cross Centre for Women, Equality and Law
- String theory and holography
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- Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory
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