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Research group

Southampton Ethics Centre

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We aim to build on existing interdisciplinary ethics teaching, and to nurture interdisciplinary research and outreach.

Part of Law, Medicine, Philosophy


With members from departments/schools including Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminology, Economics, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, History, Law, Management, Medicine, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy, and from research centres including C2G2, CELS, CLEG, HEAL and the Parkes Institute, the Southampton Ethics Centre organises ethics-focused events and showcases ethics-related multi-disciplinary work already under way at the University.

The Southampton Ethics Centre organises ethics-related events, aims to nurture collaborations across the University on ethics-related issues, and to publicise ethics-focused events.

Among the events organised by the Southampton Ethics Centre are the annual Ethical Challenges Lecture, and the annual PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) Lecture.

We also host a Southampton Ethics Centre Seminar each semester, as well as a series of online workshops, on topics such as the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, the Ethics of Race, and the Ethics of Climate Change.

We also publish regular bulletins containing information about ethics-related events and activities across the university.

News and events

Explore our news and events pages to find out more about our activities.

People, projects and publications


Professor Aaron Ridley

Professor in Philosophy

Research interests

  • Aesthetics
  • Philosophy of Music
  • Nietzsche

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B65, Avenue Campus, Highfield Road, SO17 1BF

Dr Alex Gregory

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • desire, preference
  • metaethics
  • wellbeing, happiness

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B65, Avenue Campus, Highfield Road, SO17 1BF

Professor Andrea Russell

Professor of Physical Electrochemistry

Research interests

  • Structure/property relationships in electrocatalysts
  • Development and application of syncrotron based spectroscopic techniques for operando characterisation of electrocatalysts, electrode structures, and electrochemical interfaces
  • Development and application of vibrational spectroscopies (IR and Raman) to study electrochemical interfaces and reactions


Address: B29, East Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Professor Andrew Pinnock


Research interests

  • Arts management and cultural policy; cultural economics
  • Seventeenth-century English opera
  • Aspects of organology, especially the early twentieth-century English recorder revival.


Address: B2, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Emeritus Professor Anne Curry

Research interests

  • The Hundred Years War
  • The reign of Henry V
  • The battle of Agincourt 1415

Dr Anne Mcbride

Senior Lecturer


Address: B44, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Dr Brian Mcelwee

Lecturer in Philosophy

Research interests

  • Normative Ethics
  • Applied Ethics, esp Global Poverty
  • Metaethics and Normativity

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B65, Avenue Campus, Highfield Road, SO17 1BF

Dr Brian Pickering MA, PGCert, MSc, DPhil, MBPsS, MBCS

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • My focus is on how human agents interact with technology, especially the online world, to achieve their goals. Most of the work I do is informed by Actor Network Theory and tussle analysis, but also the social psychology of group interactions. This also involves the development of agency and increased self-efficacy.
  • Trust: The social science construct of trust as an ongoing negotiation between trustor (who is willing to expose themselves to vulnerability) and the trustee (who must demonstrate their trustworthiness through their actions) is an underlying theme to much of the work I am involved in. I do not conflate trust with a cognitive assessment of cost versus benefit since there is definitely both a social and an emotional component. With regard to technology, trust is an "organising principle" for much technology-mediated interaction. It also relates to constructs like self-efficacy and agency in technology adoption.
  • Cyberpsychology: I bring together many years of experience with computer technologies (especially speech- and language-enabled applications) with a broader psychological perspective. I'm interested primarily in the Internet as a tool to be adapted for user needs, rather than an independent environment, and therefore uncovering the social and network processes which help individuals engage.

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B13, East Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Professor Chris Armstrong

Professor of Political Theory

Research interests

  • Global justice
  • Climate justice
  • Ocean justice and ocean politics

Accepting applications from PhD students


Address: B58, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

Dr Chris Mclean

Principal Teaching Fellow


Address: B67, West Highfield Campus, University Road, SO17 1BJ

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Contact us

Dr Brian McElwee, the Director of the Southampton Ethics Centre, welcomes your enquiries.

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Southampton, Avenue Campus, Southampton, SO17 1BF

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