General information for suppliers
The University works with a whole range of suppliers to deliver an excellent research and teaching environment.
We work with a range of suppliers, large and small, to procure the goods and services that keep the University running. We are keen to hear from suppliers who share our commitment to excellence and quality and who are interested in doing business with us.
The University works with a whole range of suppliers to deliver an excellent research and teaching environment.
Find out about our procurement and tendering processes on the Finance website
All procurement activity within the University is carried out in accordance with legal requirements, financial regulations and appropriate procedures. Financial sustainability is central to our University Strategy and Vision and our procurement activity supports that goal. Furthermore we are committed to supporting the University strategy on sustainability by embedding responsible procurement considerations in our category planning, procurement strategies and contract management activities.
The Procurement team at the University is a professionally qualified and experienced team that work with colleagues in faculties and departments across the University to ensure we obtain value for money, mitigate risk and comply with relevant legislation in all the goods and services procured. We take a category managed approach to enable us to be strategic about the way we but goods, services and works.
When engaging suppliers, we utilise a number of routes to market including collaborative framework agreements from the Southern Universities Procurement Consortium (SUPC) and other consortia as well as awarding our own contracts through competitive tender and quotation activity. If you are interested in finding out more about working with us and becoming a supplier, including how to view our current opportunities, select the "Working with the University" button above.
If you can't find the information you are looking for, get in touch. Please do not send information or a representative on spec, as we are unable to respond.